Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A girl's best friend

It’s very rare as a girl to find one guy that you really get along with and knowing that he won’t turn on you one day and tell you he’s had a crush on you ever since you became friends. That may sound sweet in the movies but not with me, I hate it when a guy knows my sexual preference then spring something like that on me…don’t get me wrong, being liked is flattering but a NO is a NO.

So I feel very lucky to have a friend/brother like Sabelo, he’s sweet, intelligent, ambitious and very down to earth. I met him over a year ago when he came to our offices to work on starting his organisation; I ended up getting involved in SAYLO (South African Youth Liberating Organisation), any organisation looking at informing our youth on issues affecting them including HIV/Aids, Peer pressure and how to deal with them.

During his time at Behind the Mask, I got to know the young 20 year old and we got along like a house on fire. We talked about anything and everything, even cried together at times.

Beginning of March 2006, he got funding and had to leave to start an office for his organisation in Escourt, KwaZulu-Natal. I was really happy for him but sad that I won’t have someone to crack stupid jokes and talk about women with.

Life is a strange experience, we meet people that make an impact on our lives, whether positive or negative but we learn from them then we move on, only to meet more people to love and cherish and sometime lose them to death.

So maybe some girl’s best friends are diamonds…mine is Sabelo.

© 04/4/2006


Anonymous said...

OH!, I'm not ? :-(

You broke my heart ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi sister

I don't know what made me come to this site, but I'm telling you, that my Keyboard is full of tears. When ever I'm feeling lonely I open my laptop and look at our pictures. I miss you so much.

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